Monday, October 21, 2013

Patent Family Tree’s Visibility Enhanced

On 16th October, MaxVal launched a new version of Patent Family Tree. The new version of the tool provides better quality and clarity of genealogical representation. Furthermore, direct relationships of a selected patent from the family tree can be seen and these are classified with colors for easy identification.

This new version is built primarily focusing on better visibility of the generated family tree, which facilitates easy visualization and decision making by attorneys and counsel.
The family tree generated can be printed and this option is available free for a month (starting Oct 16th).

Here are the two very simple steps to generate a patent family tree:

Step 1: Enter the patent number or patent application you want to generate a family tree for
Step 2: Hit ‘Get Family Tree’

Note: Work email ID should be provided in the respective field, which will be treated confidentially and will only be used to send updates to serve you better.

Since the new version operates using Java, it would require one or two more clicks to get the family tree displayed.

Figure 1: Java Update - 1

This screen (Figure 1) will appear after the first time Java is updated. Once Run is clicked, Figure 2 will appear seeking permission.

Figure 2: Java Update - 2

The tool now displays a graphical tree of the patent family based upon information available via INPADOC. The resulting tree identifies cited parents and all descendants of the patent or patent application. The results are displayed instantaneously. 

Figure 3: Sample Output

1.      Legend indicating the color classifications
2.      Bibliographic details of the selected patent/application
3.      Buttons that help viewing the family tree more closely.

Click here to view the free online tool in our website.
About Patent Family Tree

This is a comprehensive tool that generates a graphical tree representation of genealogy, given a patent, application or publication #. Family members include other country filings, continuation and CIP applications. For easy understanding, patent documents of different categories are color coded. Corresponding bibliographic details for a selected patent, application or publication can be viewed on the right hand side panel. The data is sourced from INPADOC and patents are hyperlinked to USPTO (full text) and Espacenet. A static URL for each representation is available.

This tool is useful when a patent search is conducted as patent family members can be easily identified. The genealogical representation could also help reveal a company’s technological strategy.

To access the complete range of our tools and services, visit

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