Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lawsuit Summary - American Traffic Solutions vs. B&W Sensors LLC

Plaintiff: American Traffic Solutions

Defendant: BandW Sensors LLC

Case Number: 4:13-cv-00229
Date Filed: February 05, 2013

Court: Missouri Eastern District Court

Patents-in-Suit: US8184863 and US8213685

Patent Number
Current Assignee[i]
Issue Date
Expiration Date[ii]
Nov 03, 2011
Jan 07, 2028
Video speed detection system
Jul 10, 2008
Jan 07, 2028
Video speed detection system
Table information sourced from Maxval’s Assignment Database.  

The Parties:
American Traffic Solutions provides traffic safety photo enforcement and automated toll collection programs for metropolitan municipal clients. It offers technology and business solutions for photo traffic safety and electronic toll enforcement programs and PlatePass, an automated electronic toll payment service that enables rental car customers to use electronic toll lanes at participating locations in the United States. It operates as a subsidiary of TransCore, LP.

BandW Sensors LLC is a speed detection and traffic monitoring company that offers state of the art automated sensor technology to provide traffic solutions and violation assistance services to law enforcement.

As in complaint:
Plaintiff alleges that defendant is manufacturing and marketing video speed detection systems including Multiple Vehicle Speed Tracking System (MVSTS) (see Fig.1), which infringes the claims covered in the ‘863 and ‘685 patents. The infringing systems include a camera, a mount, a computer system and a calibration process that defines the speed of multiple tracked objects. 

The infringing systems also generate and provide data about the tracked object’s speed when the rate of travel exceeds a certain value.

Other Cases Filed:
Plaintiff had filed another case (1:12-cv-00504) against B&W Sensors on October 18, 2012, which involves the same patents and is pending (source: Maxval’s Litigation Databank).
If you are interested in knowing more about the case(s) filed by the plaintiff, please contact us.To get alerts on cases filed, subscribe to our Litigation Alerts.

[i] MaxVal offers Patent Assignment Alert service where subscribers receive email alerts when assignments relating to target applications, patents or entities of interest are recorded.
[ii] Expected expiration date. Patent Term Estimator is a free web-based tool that automatically calculates patent terms and expiration dates for U.S. utility patents.

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